The OC Parks Trails Subcommittee was established on April 1, 2016, by the OC Parks Commission as an advisory body to the Commission to address matters regarding County trails and bikeways and provide a public forum for comments on this topic. The Subcommittee meets on a quarterly basis and is managed in accordance with the OC Parks Trails Subcommittee Guidelines.
Two OC Parks Commissioners serve on the Trails Subcommittee as the Chairperson and Alternate Chairperson, along with five members of the public representing various user groups and communities, who serve as at-large Subcommittee members.
OC Parks is continually seeking qualified candidates to serve as Subcommittee members to fill vacancies when they occur. If you are interested in serving as a member of the OC Parks Trails Subcommittee, please complete the Application for OC Parks Trails Subcommittee Appointment and email it to Admin.TrailsSubcommittee@ocparks.com.
Visit this webpage for meeting updates, or email Admin.TrailsSubcommittee@ocparks.com to receive notification of upcoming Subcommittee meetings and agendas.
Information about the Trail Use Designation Pilot Project can be found here.
Trails Subcommittee Meetings
The Trails Subcommittee meets in person on the second Thursday of each quarter at OC Parks Headquarters, Mess Hall, First Floor, 13042 Old Myford Road, Irvine, 92602. Upcoming meeting dates follow: January 9, 2025.
The public is invited to attend the next meeting of the Trails Subcommittee on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:00 pm.
Please see previous meeting agendas and related documents below.
Meetings and Agendas 2025
Meetings and Agendas 2024
Meetings and Agendas 2023
Meetings and Agendas 2022
Meetings and Agendas 2021
Meetings and Agendas 2020
Meetings and Agendas 2019
Meeting Date | Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes |
December 12, 2019 Quarter 4 | Canceled | Canceled |
September 12, 2019 Quarter 3 | Agenda | Minutes |
June 27, 2019 Quarter 2 | Agenda | Minutes |
January 31, 2019 Quarter 1 | Agenda | Minutes |