Project Information
Former Silverado Elementary School Site – Saddleback Gateway Interim Operations Plan
On April 11, 2017, the Board of Supervisors approved the Interim Operations Plan (IOP) for Saddleback Gateway. The IOP addresses how OC Parks intends to operate and improve Saddleback Gateway (the former Silverado Elementary School site) for public use and benefit over the next several years. OC Parks is operating the site, partnering with OC Public Libraries, which operates the new Library of the Canyons in one of the former school buildings.
Site improvements are called out in the IOP to be implemented in three phases. The initial phase of work is complete – primarily the renovation of the two main buildings (library and multi-purpose rooms) and the main parking lot with entry landscape and signage. Later phases of improvements will offer opportunities to redevelop the site into a more functional facility for the community to use for outdoor public events, gatherings and environmental education.
To download a copy of the Draft IOP or the Appendices click on the following links:
The County of Orange, as lead agency, is circulating a public review a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed Saddleback Gateway Interim Operations Plan. To obtain a copy of the Draft MND, and provide comments click here.
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