Please review the Photography Rules below prior to submitting an application.
For more information on how to apply, please contact OC Parks Permits at 866-627-2757 or permits@ocparks.com. Business Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Portrait Photography Rules
- The use of fireworks, pyrotechnics or special effect devices is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:
- Smoke Bombs/Grenades. These create potential fire hazard.
- Confetti Cannons. It can be harmful to wildlife.
- Sparklers
- Handheld Torches
- Be mindful if using balloons. If released or popped, balloons are harmful to wildlife and are a potential fire hazard.
- Stay on marked trails for your safety and for the health of park habitat.
- Dogs are not permitted in certain park facilities, please visit the selected park website for rules and regulations.
- Each time a permittee visits a new park facility for a photoshoot, they must contact the park beforehand to be informed of all rules.
- We kindly request that permittees contact the park 48 hours prior to each photoshoot. This will allow us to inform you of anything going on at the park that may impede on the photoshoot.
- During the photoshoot session please do not block park sidewalks, roads or trails.
- Please be mindful of other park visitors and maintenance work during your photoshoot.
- Overnight storage of vehicles or equipment is not allowed.
- The permittee shall maintain a clean working area and upon completion of work, all locations are to be cleared of equipment, props and trash.
Photography in the Redwood Grove at Carbon Canyon Regional Park
- To protect this natural resource, photography is allowed in the designated areas only. Designated photography areas are marked with signs.
- Photography is only allowed during park hours.
- Wedding portrait photography is allowed in the designated areas in the Redwood Grove, but wedding ceremonies are not.
Photography at Riley Wilderness Park
- Photography is allowed on authorized park trails and in designated recreational areas only.
- No dogs allowed.
- Stay on marked trails for your safety and for the health of park habitat.
All portrait photography permit holders must read and abide these rules.
Permit Application
Insurance Information