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*This program begins at the Willow Staging Area, 20070 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach, CA 92651*

Join OC Parks and Laguna Canyon Foundation in beautiful Laguna Coast Wilderness Park at our native plant nursery as we care for native plants from their seed stage to their mature, ready-to-be planted stage. Volunteers may collect seeds, sow seeds in flats, bump plants up, plant at restoration sites, sterilize plant containers and help maintain the nursery.

Participants should wear closed-toe shoes, layered clothing and sun protection and bring water.

The program will meet at the Willow Canyon Staging Area, 20070 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach, CA 92651. 

Advance registration is required. Learn more and volunteer here.

This program is for ages 16 and older. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.

The program and parking are free. After signing in, participants will receive a parking voucher that will need to be displayed on your car's dashboard.

Rain or heat advisory will cancel the program.

Keep it Wild